By @savedbyhismercy711
I feel the need to share part of my story about the dangers of the charismatic movement. Forgive me for it being a little long. I was a young woman, new believer, just married and 22 years of age; the year was 1993. I was saved and served Jesus with all my heart. I was attending a church of God denomination at the time. They invited a man to come to revival to speak. Supposedly, he was a self proclaimed, self appointed "exorcist". Now, I was raised pentecostal and had witnessed many disturbing things in different branches of these churches but never to the extent of my experience.
One night, i grew ill during the service; I ran outside to vomit because I was closer to the door than the restroom. The congregation had been worked into a frenzy by this evangelist; it was chaos. The next thing i know im being drug to the front of the church and held forcefully down. I was accused of being possessed by five demons, simply because I was vomiting. Supposedly the demons couldn't stand the power of God and were trying to escape smh. They preceded to physically beat me with Bibles in my face and head, as hard as they could. 6 men in total taking turns hitting me. They almost broke my nose! I was battered and bruised for many, many days after.
One lady literally screamed at me in tongues like a demon from the pit! I remember I was lying on the floor, at the foot of the alter, almost unconscious from the horrible beating i know what the supposed exorcist bragged to the congregation? She's knocked out because of five, as he held his hand up, making a fist!! I'll never forget the demonic look on his face.
He commanded the congregation to stand against the walls, so they wouldn't get "possessed" themselves. I was being made a spectacle of. I truly wish I was kidding. It didnt end there. They came to my home and tried to finish what they started. I was supposedly still "possessed". Now, i was just a babe in Christ and believed these people because again, i was just a babe and they were elders, deacons and ministers looking back, when did Jesus or any apostle ever physically beat a demon possessed person? I understand so much more now.
I was ostracized, ridiculed, run down like a dog in my small town. I wasnt allowed to come back and every church i tried to attend, they followed me and made it to where i was unwelcome, mocked and scorned. I am the epitome of church trauma.
I was devastated to the point of suicide. I truly believed the Holy Spirit had rebuked in anger; that Jesus had forsaken me. There is no worse pain in this life, the utter dispair and hopelessness you feel believing the creator has forsaken you :( I was a hollow shell of a woman; drowning in confusion, pain and despair. Death seemed like a beautiful alternative to the pain my soul was experiencing.
Now, let me tell you about what Jesus did. I worked second shift in the shipping office of an industrial rubber factory; on 2 separate nights, I encountered 2 men. 1, I had never seen come thru the office...he walked in, sat down and stared upon me with love and compassion. He looked at me and I quote. "Stay strong, the Lord has great things in store for you". He then got up, left and I never saw him again; never knowing his name even. Did I entertain an angel unaware? To this day, I still can not wrap my head around it; there is no way he could have known what just happened to me.
Next, an older gentleman came in and we started talking; I explained what had just happened to me......turns out he was a pastor Thru much counseling and lots of prayer, i finally understood what happened to me wasnt from God but Satan. My husband and I were later baptized by this preacher. ️
This was not a mere coincidence; I truly believe the Lord sent this man to me and used he and his family to truly teach me about the healing and love of God. I will never forget them as long as I live and how the Lord Jesus loved me enough to send someone to help me thru the darkest days of my life ️ make no mistake, my healing from this didn't happen overnight; it was a hard fought battle but I praise Jesus that he was so loving, patient and kind in my shortcomings and trauma. What the devil meant for my harm; God used for my good, for his glory. ️
Im now 51, still serving the Lord in spirit and truth the evangelist fell off the map, losing his ministry, that church never recovered; splintering into many other churches that have since failed. I learned later, another woman was done almost the exact same way a few nights earlier :( I left that small town many years ago and have never looked back.
These money driven WOF churches are dangerous! They are not of God and it is NOT the Holy Spirit working thru these "performances." They have turned a house of worship into a den of thieves; taking his name in vain for monetary gain! Cheapened the completed work of the cross and demeaned God to nothing more than a genie in a bottle smh.
For the record, i was in the early stages of what was to be a years long battle to save my life; the beginning stages of cervical cancer. This is why i became so violently ill during service. I was undiagnosed at that time....but I was the farthest thing from being possessed. To the glory of God I'm in full recovery almost 15 years later, having fought my illness from age 22 to age 38. I was a woman who shouldn't have lived, much less able to conceive but here I am, with my beautiful 27 year old daughter! Yes, God is the God of the impossible. ️
Make no mistake; the attacks upon my life have increased, each attack worse than the first. When the Lord warns us that the enemy seeks to kill, steal and destroy, it's not a joke! I have lost all of my family to death, it's just my daughter and I now. Sadly, I even became a victim later in my life to domestic violence. My journey in this life has been one of abject pain and suffering BUT it is nothing compared to the suffering of Christ on the cross and what he did for us.
Please remember, the enemy doesn't bother with souls he already has. He has come against me and even in this minute, his attacks are endless; trying to stop me from sharing my testimony with everyone. If the enemy is raging against you with the fury of hell; count it all joy....the Lord Jesus counted you worthy to suffer for his names sake. I have often cried out to heaven...Why? Why all the pain? Lord it's just too much for one lone, pathetic sinner of a woman to endure....The answer I received from the Holy Spirit thru the scriptures? Because I entrusted you with it; my grace is sufficient for thee, my strength made perfect in weakness and suffering ️ If just one soul can be helped and saved thru the suffering then yes, it is worth every tear and ounce of pain
The Lord Jesus is with us thru it all. He has truly given me a peace that passes all understanding. When you repent & choose Christ, you are enemy #1 now, a huge target on your back. Just know, no matter what you are enduring, keep going, never give up. Christ didn't lay the cross down on his way to Golgotha; we can't lay ours down for his names sake either. Be encouraged, be strong and know you are never alone; he will never leave nor forsake us.
PLEASE BEWARE OF THESE WOLVES THAT SMILE IN YOUR FACE WHILE DRAGGING YOU TO THE PIT! I have witnessed firsthand what lurks beneath that "smile". Always pray for discernment. Remember, we can't be the spotless bride of Christ and Satan's girlfriend at the same time. Stand for the truth of the gospel even if you're standing alone....always contend for the faith.
There's no devil on Earth or from hell that can defeat you. Remember, the greater and longer the trial; the greater the blessing and the greater movement of Jesus to show our enemy that our God is God! When you're going through hell itself, don't stop...keep going; glory awaits on the other side...when the reason we are standing, stands in front of us, we will know it's worth it all ️ Thank you for your amazing grace Lord Jesus ️